PlayStation - Grupos de


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Descrição do Grupo de :

Welcome to the largest unofficial PlayStation community on Discord and Reddit! This server was created as a place for gamers from any background or console to hang out, discuss all the latest news in gaming (not just PS) or trying to find new friends to play those newest hit games with! We are a tightknit community that is very open to both old and young gamers, be it your first time entering a gaming community or if you have been around for longer as a "veteran in the field"!We have a dedicated news team that shares all the hottest gossip across the gaming field, be it from new and confirmed launches to the latest rumors heard on the internet in an easy to follow format and channel.

Regras do Grupo para :

Canal/Grupo sem regras! Verifique o link e tente novamente!

Entrar PlayStation -

Você pode participar do grupo PlayStation clicando no botão abaixo. Antes de entrar no grupo, lembre-se que não monitoramos os grupos, então não podemos garantir que as regras do grupo serão cumpridas. Sempre tome cuidado antes de entrar em um grupo.